Below you will find an index to the sections that have been completed up to this point. Since this is a work in progress, please bear with me as I may rearrange things from time to time, until I am satisfied with it. This story is dedicated to my brothers and sisters, family and friends. Without them, this story would never have happened and I would be a different person than the one I am today. I would like to thank all the people who helped me, taught me, supported me over the years. Most of all, I dedicate this story to my mother and father, Sharon and Roger. Without them, I would be nothing.
Here are a few other people who I would like to thank. Micheal, Sheryl, Scott, Robert and Lisa for being my family. Aunt Pat and Uncle Les for all they did for us. Jerry Phillips and Tom Bennett for teaching me so much about being a man. To David and family for being there, no matter what happens. To my goddaughter, Angela, for being a devilish, yet beautiful angel. And thanks to Lynn, Randy and Sandra. Real friends are hard to find. Thank you all.
Part 2 - Randy's Early Memories
Part 5 - Over the Hill to Grandma's House
Part 7 - Rambling On and On...
Part 8 - Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To School We Go
Part 9 - A Little Rain Begins To Fall
Suggestions? Let me know.
For information about Minnesota in general visit here or here.
Visit the home page of International Falls where I was born.
Also see the home page of Roseau, where I was raised.
Thunderbird Lodge is where my brother, Michael, works.
See Hayes Lake State Park, a few miles from where we lived.
Lake of the Woods where we often went fishing.
Find out more about Minnesota's natural resources.
The Virtual Sweden Site can tell you about where my grandparents came from.
Seattle, Washington is where I visited my Aunt Joyce and Uncle Maynard and saw the Space Needle.
Visit the International Peace Gardens. Many of my great-uncles and cousins helped build this beautiful place.
Dad worked at the Polaris plant for several years.
Both Mom and Dad worked at Marvin Windows at one time or another.